Fatest trick to find square of any number from 1 to 1000

By Admin

15 Apr,2021


# Square trick

Fatest trick to find square of any number from 1 to 1000

Best Fatest trick to find square of any number from 1 to 1000 is here. Students faces many difficulties while solving the simplification and other question where they have to multiply the same number twice that number can be of 2 digits or 3 digits but after learning this trick you can easily calculate the square of any numbers up to 1000 in just few seconds.

How to find the square of any number is few seconds without pen and paper

Learn the fastest trick to solve the square of any number needs a little practice but with this trick to become the expert you need consistency so you grab this trick in your mind. After you learn this trick you can calculate the square of any number up to 1000 in your mind. To say goodbye to notebooks before moving to the steps to find the square of any number.

1. Steps to find the square of two-digit number for example 73
  • In the first step, you need to use square the unit digit 3 and in case the square is more than one digit just carry the other digits on the left side. like the answer is now _9.
  • In the second step multiple the digits 7 and 3 and then again multiply them with 2 so now add them in an answer like this _ 29 and 4 as carrying.
  • In the last step just add the square of 7 in an answer like this 49+ 4 carry and the final answer is 5329.


2. Steps to find the square of 2 digit number ends with 5 for example 85
  • In the first step add the square of 5 in the last two-digit in the answer which is _25.
  • Now multiply the first digit with its next number like for 8  multiply with 9 and place that in the first digits of the answer.
  • Now the square of 85 is 7225.


3. Steps to calculate the square of three-digit number like the square of 112
  • The first step assumes the nearest hundred like for 112 is 100 then make two-number of 112 one is subtract 12 from 112 and the other is add 12 in 112 now it looks like that 100*124.
  • Now take 12 square on the other side and multiply above  12400  and add 144 which is the square of 12 into it from the right side. 
  • Note For every 0 add the square of 12 like this 44 on the right side and 1 added as carrying to the next number from right. Now the final answer which is the square of 112 is 12544.


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